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Property Management Blog

Blog Post How to Get a Tenant to Renew Their Lease

How to Get a Tenant to Renew Their Lease

The tenant turnover rate for 2021 was at a record low for the decade at 15.6%, however, this was mainly due to state laws that paused evictions during the pandemic.Now that people are recovering financially, if you have a good tenant then you really should try to keep at your pro...
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Blog Post 4 Clauses You Must Include in Your Lease Agreement

4 Clauses You Must Include in Your Lease Agreement

Did you know that 44 million households in the United States rent their homes? In fact, these households opt for the convenience and flexibility of renting rather than owning. Renting allows individuals and families to find a suitable living space without the long-term commitment...
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Blog Post What Do Landlords Need to Know About Security Deposits?

What Do Landlords Need to Know About Security Deposits?

When someone rents a place to live, they usually have to pay a security deposit. This is something that protects your rentals, and it is important to understand how they work as a landlord. But did you know that only 41% of renters expect to get their security deposit back?Landlo...
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Blog Post Why Hire a Property Management Service?

Why Hire a Property Management Service?

While it might seem like some faceless corporation owns every rental property, the reality is a lot more complicated. While corporate owners are common, individual investors control a little over 70 percent of all rental units.Of course, owning a rental unit and being a good land...
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Blog Post California Rent Control & Pleasanton Property Management

California Rent Control & Pleasanton Property Management

Let’s imagine you’re preparing to invest in a Pleasanton rental property. You’ll need to think about all the details that every investor in every part of the country has to think about: Will you earn enough rent? Will you find high quality residents willing to r...
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Blog Post The Pros and Cons of Allowing Pets in a Rental Property

The Pros and Cons of Allowing Pets in a Rental Property

Reportedly, 78% of apartment buildings allow pets. But that doesn't mean that you have to do what all the other landlords are doing.There are a lot of ways that you can benefit from allowing pets in your rental properties. But allowing pets can also set you up for failure in ...
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